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Out and about....liquorice allsortsOut and about....liquorice allsorts

From Fashionistable Nicola made me smile when I asked her about her style inspirations. She told me that there are a lot of things going on in her head. That London inspires her a lot and said you can be whatever character you want to be on what ever day you choose. When I asked her what character…

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Out and about....seasonal changeOut and about....seasonal change

From Fashionistable From Fashionistable Already it is too cold for me. I guess the sooner I can start wearing warmer clothes the better. I would love to be able to look as good as Ulyana with this simple transitional outfit. Ulyana is a fashion designer. You can see her blog here.The guys over a…

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Fashionistable's 2nd BirthdayFashionistable's 2nd Birthday

From Fashionistable Liisa Ennuste and Emmanuelle Alt From Fashionistable Dawn Green and Alena Dundas From Fashionistable Alexa Chung and Olivia Palermo From Fashionistable Kathryn Topp and Yukee ChenTwo years of Fashionistable. I am amazed the time has passed so quickly. It was very difficult t…

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Out and about....project Filofax (final day) - Colour BrownOut and about....project Filofax (final day) - Colour Brown

From Fashionistable From Fashionistable From Fashionistable Now I have to say when I received all the colours for this Filofax challenge of all of them I thought that the Brown Chameleon would be the most difficult to find someone for. But was amazed when Yonan crossed my path she was perfect …

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Out and about....project Filofax - Colour AquaOut and about....project Filofax - Colour Aqua

From Fashionistable From Fashionistable From Fashionistable I met Katya as she was walking towards Oxford Circus and thought she would be perfect for the Filofax challenge. We decided that her outfit would work well with the Aqua Chameleon. Katya is originally from Belarus and is in London stu…

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Out and about....project Filofax - Colour BlackOut and about....project Filofax - Colour Black

From Fashionistable From Fashionistable From Fashionistable In the shots today Gemma is carrying the Black Chameleon Filofax. When I asked her if she would help me with the challenge she told me she usually carries her own Filofax with her all the time. Gemma is a stylist with Carol Hayes Mana…

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Out and about....project Filofax - Colour RasberryOut and about....project Filofax - Colour Rasberry

From Fashionistable From Fashionistable From Fashionistable Here is my second colour in the Filofax challenge, and my choice of The Chameleon range. I have wanted to photograph Stella for a while now as love her look. However as I have never bumped into her on the street this was the perfect o…

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Out and about....project Filofax - Colour RedOut and about....project Filofax - Colour Red

From Fashionistable From Fashionistable From Fashionistable A few weeks back I was asked by Slam PR who have Filofax as one of their clients to take part in a challenge they were setting bloggers. The challenge was to photograph one range from a choice of 4. My choice is called The Cameleon. I…

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Out and about....the teacher and a sneak peakOut and about....the teacher and a sneak peak

From Fashionistable Natalie is an Art Teacher in West Hampstead. Her favourite place in London though is Primrose Hill. When I asked her to tell me something surprising about herself her boyfriend said something which I didn't quite catch and she wouldn't let him repeat it. What she was happy for …

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Out and about....Penny Dreadful VintageOut and about....Penny Dreadful Vintage

From Fashionistable It is always wonderful when you bump into fellow bloggers and especially when you feel you have come to know each other while talking together on the blogosphere. Margaret is the author of Penny Dreadful Vintage and owner of the Penny Dreadful store. During the Vintage Festival…

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Out and about....seeing forwardOut and about....seeing forward

From Fashionistable Anastasia has been living in the UK fro the last 10 years and is now working as a recruitment consultant. Her favourite place in London is the Tate Modern. She told me she is physic and could see into the future – then added "OK now I am officially crazy". She bought her hat an…

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Out and about....Ganton St.Out and about....Ganton St.

From Fashionistable From Fashionistable I was having a coffee and a cake with a friend when I spotted Lian. Red lips and hair, blue dress. Beautiful combination. It turned out that Lian is part of Trace PR. Unknowingly our paths may have crossed before here. It was impossible for Lian to tell us…

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Out and about....a bit of Aussie sunshineOut and about....a bit of Aussie sunshine

From Fashionistable Ebony is from Brisbane and has been in the UK for 2 years. Her surprise for us has shaped what she does. OK so the surprise is that she describes herself as "a total geek". She used to run and IT helpdesk and loves Buffy the Vampire Slayer. However now after a super dupper pres…

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Out and about....WestfieldsOut and about....Westfields

From Fashionistable Coziana was reluctant to have her picture taken. I am happy she changed her mind. Coziana is Romanian and is a Doctor, specialising in rheumatology. She told me she is not in to shopping but she likes to wear nice clothes, describing her style as classical. Here she is wearing …

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Out and girl two looksOut and girl two looks

From Fashionistable From Fashionistable From Fashionistable I had noticed Alex's 2 looks before I had the chance to ask her if I could take her picture. So it was great that she was up for letting me photograph both. Alex works in PR for a company called Kaper. She is a Londoner and lives in D…

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Out and about....aye, aye sirOut and about....aye, aye sir

From Fashionistable I was on my way home on the train when I met Alice and Tom. They are both musicians. Alice is a singer and Tom plays base. They have been a couple for 5 years and are married 4. They both belong to a band called Moats and Thrones and Tom also plays with The Hursable. Alice's su…

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Out and about....the fame bureauOut and about....the fame bureau

From FashionistablePortobello Road on a Sunday is a much quieter place than it's rowdy Saturday sister as the crowds have usually made their way East. I had already walked the length of the road and was on my way back when I met Ted. Ted is the MD of the The Fame Bureau where he sells high end rock …

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Out and about....20's, war time and the rockin 50'sOut and about....20's, war time and the rockin 50's

From FashionistableI am not sure Sam and Johanna had a particular era in mind for the festival. But to me they look very Great Gatsby 20's chic. Away from the festival Sam is a racing driver, racing Aston Martins at the moment and Johanna works in Topshop HQ and helps look after the Unique range. Jo…

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Out and about....Cherries, the Bride and the QueenOut and about....Cherries, the Bride and the Queen

From FashionistableIsabella is originally from Stuttgart but has lived in the UK for 9 years now. She makes shoes for Natacha Marro who was exhibiting at the festival. Her style inspiration comes from taking a little bit of vintage, high st and designer mixing it all up and making something new. Her…

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Out and about....all in the detailOut and about....all in the detail

From FashionistableThe surprising thing about both my ladies today is that they both learnt how to do their hair on YouTube. Emma (my 1st lady today) told me that vintage is totally her scene. She always wears vintage even to work and she is a company director of a language training company. She sai…

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Out and about....Southbank VintageOut and about....Southbank Vintage

From FashionistableThe Southbank on a sunny day is an amazing place to be at the best of times. But couple that with a Vintage festival and the place just sings. I was asking Trine if I could take her picture when I suddenly noticed she was with 3 other beautifully dressed people so of course I phot…

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Say 100 - 100 VoicesSay 100 - 100 Voices

From FashionistableHot off the press: Fashionistable has just made the Say 100 list in the Style section. To see my work mentioned alongside Scott Schuman (aka The Sartorialist) Ari Seth Sohen, Grance Dore, Tanvi and Bryanboy has made me very happy indeed. Thank you to Say100 and Jane Pratt for this…

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Out and about....classic vintageOut and about....classic vintage

From FashionistableIt has been an amazing weekend for me one of my sisters and brother-in-laws were with me. It was my husbands birthday and as if that wasn't good enough the sun shone brightly on us and on the amazing vintage festival that happened on the Southbank in London this weekend. I met som…

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